Hi, my name is Bianca/Carina. I'll be working with you in today's session. [Bianca/Carina here will be observing]. We are here to test the security app Enigmail and would like your help.
I will ask you to perform some typical tasks with Enigmail. Do your best, but don't be overly concerned with results - Enigmail is being tested, and not your performance. Since the app is not perfect, there will probably be some rough edges and bugs and things may not work exactly as you expect.
My role here today is to discover the flaws and advantages of this system from your perspective. Don't act or say things based on what you think I might want to see or hear, I need to know what you really think.
So that we can better follow your trail of thoughts during the test, we will ask you to think aloud while you work. Please do ask questions at any time, but I may only answer them at the end of the session.
While you are working, we will be taking some notes. We will also be recording the session for the benefit of people who couldn't be here today.
If you feel uncomfortable, you may stop the test at any time.
Do you have any questions?
If not, then let's begin by filling out a short background questionnaire and having you sign the consent form.