Rslidy (“responsive slidy”) is a HTML5 + CSS3 + TypeScript (JS) tool for building responsive presentation slides, inspired by Dave Raggett's Slidy and Slidy2. Rslidy was written from the ground up to be responsive: A presentation written in Rslidy can adapt to various screen sizes and supports mouse, keyboard, touch, and motion interactions. In addition, Rslidy has a built-in image viewer and can create a PDF version of a slide deck in combination with the browser's print functionality.
Try opening some of the following example slide decks on different devices and/or resizing the browser window to make the presentation narrower or wider:
- Keith Andrews;
Responsive Web Design;
Wed 29 Jan 2020, COS, FH Joanneum, Graz.
. - Keith Andrews; Introduction to Information Visualisation.
- Keith Andrews; Tree Testing.
The following slide deck contains examples of various slide types:
- Patrick Hipp; Slide Types.
Rslidy source code and documentation is available on GitHub at
The Rslidy project is lead by Keith Andrews. Patrick Hipp revamped and rewrote large parts of the codebase for his Master's thesis.
Earlier contributions were made by: Christopher Kopel, Angelika Droisner, Ana Korotaj, Thomas Eibl, Michael Glatzhofer, Christoph Heidenreich, Verena Schiffer, Rok Kogovšek, Alexei Kruglov, Fernando Pulido Ruiz, Helmut Zöhrer, Markus Schofnegger, Filippo Garolla, Sabine Lukas, Matthias Schlesinger, Karin Wilding, Elias Zeitfogel, Patrick Kasper, Karina Priebernig, and Clemens Meinhart.